Monday, May 2, 2011

Who is Kurtomitch? [redux]

      My work has always had an imagist aspect; my subjects always representational, if not always realistic.

      I am intrigued by the ways in which the human mind creates mental pictures through the assimilation of language, both written and spoken, and how this ideo-sensory process can produce wildly differing results from individual to individual...

     "Quick! Think of a horse! What color is it? Does it have fangs?"

      Words conjure images and these images can obtain the power/status of symbols. Symbols exist as a basis of human communication on all levels of social structure, from intrapersonal to interpersonal... from family to tribe, from tribe to community and, eventually, all of humanity. They have the capacity to transcend differences in dialects and language...

     "Think of a horse...What color is it? Now think of it as plaid."

      Ideosensory imagery is the term for the phenomenon that occurs within our minds when words conjure images...

      This is the essence of editorial illustration...

      This is what I do.


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